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Olive oil

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Olives are fruits of the olive tree wich was brouth to Europe from Asia. It growes on mediteranean area (in Croatia in region Dalmacija and Primorje), where the most of worlds olive oil suppliyes are produced. Appart of the cuisine use of olive oil it´s also used in makeing candles, soaps, and in cosmetics for skin care products. The majority of olive oil ingridents are fat acids ( more than 70%), especially monosaturated olein acid wich makes the olive oil the healthyest aminy all oils. Unsaturated fat acids, vitamin E, sterols and polyfenols decrase the ležel of coresterol and obstruct the harmfully prosesses like fat oksidacion in the oraginsam. The antyoxidances are nourishing the body cells and slow down the ageing process.
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